Monday, December 29, 2014

I like to create

Just a few things I've made recently.  It makes me happy to use my favorite quotes.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Giving Back

Right now there isn't a lot I can give back.  Physically.  I don't have the means.

I was thinking about that in the meeting last night.  Our topic of discussion was giving back.  To other alcoholics as well as others.

All I can do with other alcoholics at this time in my life is share my story.  And tell them how much better it is now.  How I will do anything to keep my sobriety.  My sobriety is so important to me.

The biggest thing I thought of to give back to those I love is their peace of mind.  Since I'm not drinking all the time anymore, they don't worry about me like they used to.  They aren't scared I'm drinking myself to death or going to drive drunk and kill myself or someone else.  They don't have to walk on eggshells around me because they don't know what kind of mood I am in for that day, or that minute.

I can give them my sobriety and my desire to live and be happy.  My gift is me.

I will give back any way possible when the moment is right.  I love helping others and being there for them.

I am incredibly blessed to be able to share this way of life.

I am blessed to be alive.

I am thankful I am happy to be alive.