Monday, August 13, 2018

Relapsing without drinking

Did you know relapse is possible and you don't even have to use? I am so thankful I didn't choose to use alcohol to deal with the problems I allowed to creep up.  I felt like I relapsed.  And in a way, I did.  I went back to old behaviors to make myself feel better, to feel worthy.  To feel valued and appreciated.  And in doing that, in trying to make myself feel better, I nearly ruined my family.  Alcohol is but a symptom of this disease.  If I don't stay in my program,  I can absolutely fuck shit up. 

I am so thankful for a husband who is able to forgive, for kids who know I'm doing my best.

I let up on my spiritual fitness.  I allowed ego and resentments to come to the front.  I stopped praying and chose to skip meetings because I didn't want to go.  My kids will be the first to tell me, that's when I need to go.

This is a thinking disease.  I thought I deserved more.  I deserved better. 

As much as this past month scared me, I am thankful it happened.  If it didn't,  I would still be running on self-help.  I wouldn't have the appreciation for my God, my husband and my family that I have.  So I am thankful and appreciative that I was able to see my part, after talking with several friends in the program. 

It was scary.  And I still have fear.  Fear that I'll lose my husband and kids.  Fear will make you do some crazy shit.  Because if I lose my husband, I lose my kids.  And that isn't to say one is more important than the other, at all.  But I stand the chance to lose it all if I don't make God and my program number 1 and 2 in my life.