Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Discontent, perfection, resentment

For the past couple of weeks I've been letting my praying slip.  I think about it and then do something else.

This causes me to try to do my will instead of God's.

Big mistake.

I feel cold and discontent.  I'm angry and can't relax.

Last night I couldn't sleep.  It was after 2am and my body wouldn't relax.  I just felt like hitting things and scratching my arms and eyes out.

I started to think of why.

Then I realized, I needed to physically get on my knees and pray.  So I did.

I prayed and prayed.

I think I need an alarm to remind me to pray.  Because I don't want to feel that way any more.  I don't want to get angry at my kids for stupid stuff.  I don't want to lose my patience so quickly.

I need to make sure I pray.

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