Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Let Go and Let God

I try so hard to do this.

I am doing better about letting God.  But even when I am trying to let go, I still fret over it.  I just don't DO anything.

The husband and I had to have a conversation about safety with the teenager last night.  I was fretting over it for 2 days.

Sick to my stomach, wanting to cry, fretting.

I kept praying and praying and praying.  Please take this fear from me.  Please calm me down.  Please help me.  Please.  Take this fear.

And I learned last night.  It is all in my head.  As long as I think about what needs to happen vs jumping the gun, everything will work out.  If I address the situation calmly, it won't all go awry.  If the husband and I present a united front, there is no room for manuvering.

Was the teenager happy with choice we made regarding her safety, probably not.  But we explained why we didn't trust the situation, although we trusted her to make good choices.

I did all of that worrying for nothing.

Maybe that was the lesson.

Let Go.  Let God.

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